
The traffic is so high in the Manjeri -Nilambur road, especially near Manu memorial hospital due to the width of the road. Adding fuel to the fire, the road is now full of potholes also which makes driving a nightmare. The issue need to be solved ASAP as it is a major route to many commercial and health centres including the Manjeri medical college hospital in the Malappuram district.


More Buses, PleaseMore Buses, Please is a hosted platform to help people request additional bus services in specific neighbourhoods in their cities.
MapIDMark your home, office, school, etc and get a MapID, share it with others to help locate any place.
MapIssuesUsing maps to report and solve problems.
mTracmTrac is a real-time location tracking app. It lets your friends and family see where you are, at all times.
OD SurveyTo create an Origin Destination survey for any place in your city. It will provide a URL for you to collect data and do analysis.

trafficsolutionsA community to collect data about traffic and transport problems in particular locations and to discuss plausible solutions for these.
Petrol PumpsList of petrol pump locations.
Road GuidanceA guide to watch for one-ways, parking/no-parking areas, roads that aren't open to public and are under construction etc.
Accident HotspotsAccident hotspot locations
Bicycle repair shopsA guide for bicycle riders to approach nearest cycle repair shops.
WalkabilityPedestrian walkability & safety
Missing LinksArterial roads that are not connected to any other large paths, thus resulting in an incomplete network for mobility in the city.

sapana@mapunity.in, Accepted, Jan 20, 2023